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Illustrator CC/CS6 Level 2 Training

Adobe Systems Inc.
Eligibility: Guests, UIUC Allied persons, UIUC Faculty and Staff and UIUC Students.
Illustrator CC/CS6 Level 2 Training
Select Illustrator CC/CS6 Level 2

Workshop schedule information for Adobe Illustrator "Level 2" workshops:
Spring & /Summer 2015 workshop dates are 5/12 & 7/8.
  Fall 2015 workshop dates will be posted by mid-August.

Total Price:$132.00
Payment Type: Credit Card


Discover some of Illustrator’s more advanced capabilities for creating even more sophisticated and striking results. You’ll learn to create custom shapes and “compound paths” using simple shapes as a starting point, to create perspective drawings using Illustrator’s Perspective Grid tool, and to use Illustrator's newly enhanced "image trace" feature to convert (simple) photographs into fully-scalable Illustrator paths. You'll also work with colors, swatches, Pantone libraries, and color groups, create custom brushes, and use Illustrator's "Live Paint" feature, as well as painting objects with fills, strokes, and gradients.  Other topics include advanced type formatting options, applying meshes, patterns, transparency, and blending modes to objects, as well as working with graphics styles and effects, masks, symbol sets, symbolism tools, and more.

Prerequisite: Adobe Illustrator Level 1 workshop, or equivalent knowledge
Instructor: Peter Kimble
Hours: 6

Additional Information

Workshop Details:
Location: Illini Hall (725 S Wright St), Suite 26 (lower level) - Map it

Add this class to your calendar:
Browse to the WebStore Events Calendar, select your course, select the calendar symbol calendar image, select your calendar format, open the file, and save the item to your calendar.

Parking in the heart of campus is scarce. We suggest that you walk or take public transportation (www.cumtd.com). City meters (restricted to 2 hrs) are available on the street at both locations. There are a few campus meters in the parking lot between Coble Hall and Swanlund Administration Building on John Street and in the parking structure at Sixth & John. Please note that parking fees are the responsibility of the class participant. WebStore is not responsible for parking tickets or towing fees of vehicles belonging to class participants. Please read all parking signs!

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