SigmaPlot software helps you: Quickly Create Exact Graphs Easy Data Visualization More than 100 2-D and 3-D Graph Types Customize Every Detail of your Charts and Graphs Quickly Plot your Data from Existing Graph Templates Publish your Charts and Graphs Anywhere Share High-Quality Graphs on the Web Delivers the data analysis tools you need to draw solid conclusions Data Analysis Doesn't Get Any Easier Use SigmaPlot within Microsoft Excel Use the Regression Wizard to fit data easily and accurately Plot ANY Mathematical Function Maximize your Productivity with Automation Automate Complex Repetitive Tasks Tap into SigmaPlot's Powerful Capabilities from Other ApplicationFor more information please visit the SigmaPlot website here.
This offer contains downloads for SigmaPlot version 12.5 and 13.
SigmaPlot requires a connection to the WebStore license server. You must be connected to the campus network of the campus VPN to use this software.
Please check the system requirements here before purchasing SigmaPlot.