See the complete set of system requirements and the platform road map for the latest information on planned platform changes to MathWorks products.
MathWorks is pleased to offer MATLAB®, Simulink®, and other MathWorks products at reduced prices to degree-granting
educational institutions. The use of products licensed to institutions at Academic License pricing.
Campus-Wide (Total Headcount): Campus-Wide Licenses are intended for use by all faculty, staff, researchers, and students on personal
computers and university-owned machines.
Institutions cannot use the products for commercial purposes. Research and development divisions and centers of universities, government agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations do not qualify for Academic License pricing. MathWorks offers reduced prices to degree-granting educational institutions as a service and asks your help in ensuring that the practice is not abused.
Please review the System Requirements before purchasing.
Technical support requests can be submitted via phone (508-647-7000
) or email ( and if requested, the master license number is 31483508.
Manuals are available online at the MathWorks Documentation page.