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Fetch 5.6

Fetch 5.8 License & Download

Fetch Softworks
Eligibility: UIC Faculty, UIC Staff, UIC Students, UIS Faculty, UIS Staff, UIS Students, UIUC Faculty and Staff and UIUC Students.
Fetch 5.8 License & Download
Total Price:Free
Payment Type: Credit Card


Fetch is a popular Mac File Transfer Protocol client. Use it to upload HTML, images, and other files to your web site.


You are allowed to run this product on your University owned machine, personal laptop and/or personal home machine.



This is a perpetual license and you are eligible to run this product as long as you maintain student, staff or faculty status at the University of Illinois.

Full compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, and Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

A digital help manual is installed to your machine during the installation of the product.

Additional Information

Training and educational opportunities for this product can be found at http://fetchsoftworks.com/fetch/help/Contents/Tutorial/TutorialIndex.html.



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