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Linkedin Learning Online Training (Informational Offer)

Eligibility: UIC Faculty, UIC Staff, UIC Students, UIS Faculty, UIS Staff, UIS Students, UIUC Faculty and Staff and UIUC Students.
Linkedin Learning Online Training (Informational Offer)
Total Price:Free
Informational Offer
Payment Type: Credit Card


Linkedin Learning (formerly Lynda.com) Training Tutorials
The WebStore is now offering free access to the entire Linkedin Learning online training tutorial library for all students, staff, and faculty of the University of Illinois. Linkedin Learning is widely recognized as the industry leader in online learning, and their library contains over 1,300 courses and 74,000 tutorials organized by subject, software, and instructor. Log in with your netID and password to have the full variety of online titles at your fingertips. Taught by industry experts, these videos will be available 24/7 to accommodate your busy schedule and to allow you to learn at your own pace.

What is Linkedin Learning?
Linkedin Learning offers training on leading software topics including Adobe products, Apple products, Microsoft products, Drupal, video editing, audio editing, using operating systems and much more. Many courses provide 7 to 8 hours of detailed information and are broken down into 5 - 15-minute segments so that you can stop watching at any time and easily return to where you left off.

How do I access the tutorials?
Click the login link below and enter your NetID and password. Once you log in, click any tutorial on the Linkedin Learning landing page to get started. If you are using a public computer, remember to log out of linkedin.com once you are finished.

Urbana/Champaign campus users: Use go.illinois.edu/linkedinlearning
Chicago campus users: Use go.uic.edu/linkedinlearning
Springfield campus users: Use go.uis.edu/linkedinlearning

What do you think?
After viewing a few tutorials, please take a moment to provide your feedback so that we can effectively assess the value of this service. We need to know if these tutorials are helping you and we need to know what we can do to make the service better. Also, let us know if there are any additional titles you would like to see that are not currently offered by Linkedin Learning.

To share your comments (good or bad) with WebStore, please contact us.

Do you have more questions?
If you have questions about how to use this resource the “How to Use Linkedin Learning” tutorial may help. To access this tutorial login to Linkedin Learning, and learch for "how to use linkedin learning at the top of the screen.

You can also visit this article for more answers about Linkedin Learning.

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